Contribute to ALIGN¶
ALIGN is an open source tool for analog layout generation. We appreciate any contribution to ALIGN. Layout generation requires multiple components for the flow to produce a good layout. There are multiple ways you can contribute.
Some example contributions¶
New analog designs can be added to ALIGN database
New open source PDKs
New primitives in cell generator
Adding unit-tests
Feature recommendations
Install ALIGN setup as a developer¶
If you are a developer, you may wish to install align with some additional flags.
For python developers:
pip install -e .[test]
The -e or –editable flag generates links to the align package within your current directory. This allows you to modify python files and test them out immediately. You will still need to re-run this command to build your C++ collateral (when you are changing branches for example). More on that below.
For ALIGN (C++) Extension developers:
pip install setuptools wheel pybind11 scikit-build cmake ninja
pip install -v -e .[test] --no-build-isolation
The second command doesn’t just install ALIGN inplace, it also caches generated object files etc. under an _skbuild subdirectory. Re-running pip install -v -e .[test] –no-build-isolation will reuse this cache to perform an incremental build. We add the -v or –verbose flag to be able to see build flags in the terminal.
If you want the build-type to be Release (-O3), you can issue the following three lines:
pip install setuptools wheel pybind11 scikit-build cmake ninja
pip install -v -e .[test] --no-build-isolation
pip install -v --no-build-isolation -e . --no-deps --install-option='--build-type=Release'
pip install setuptools wheel pybind11 scikit-build cmake ninja
pip install -v -e .[test] --no-build-isolation
pip install -v --no-build-isolation -e . --no-deps --install-option='--build-type=RelWithDebInfo'
Use the Release mode if you are mostly developing in Python and don’t need the C++ debugging symbols. Use the RelWithDebInfo if you need both debug symbols and optimized code.
To debug runtime issues, run:
python -m cProfile -o stats $ALIGN_HOME/bin/ $ALIGN_HOME/examples/sc_dc_dc_converter
Then in a python shell:
import pstats
from pstats import SortKey
p = pstats.Stats('stats')